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Triple Cooked Chips


1kg Maris Piper potatoes

Triple Cooked Chips | Corner House Restaurants
  1. Peel 1kg of Maris Piper potatoes and cover in cold water.
  2. Square off the potato and cut into 1.5cm thick chips. Don’t worry so much about the length, the width is the important part.
  3. Steam for 11 minutes in a steamer – blanche for 8-10 minutes – or until the outside is flaking away and a knife runs through the potato easily.
  4. Dry completely.
  5. Fry at 140°C in a deep fat fryer for 7 minutes until a shell starts to form.
  6. Finally fry at 180°C for 2 minutes until super crispy and golden brown on the outside.

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